- Appointments: are made to suit your treatment needs. We expect at least 24 hours notice for cancellations or a cancellation fee may be charged. Remember that we only prepare to see YOU at your appointment adn running costs are significant in a dental practice.
- Emergencies: we are here to help when you need it. Please ring as early as possible so we can manage your needs well. Emergencies include serious pain, swelling, injury to teeth, bleeding after surgery, broken front teeth and broken dentures. T 9520.8811 T 9542.1888
- HICAPS & EFTPOS: facilities are available at both practices. Please bring your health fund card on the day of treatment to access this facility. Some procedures with multiple item numbers will need to be claimed through your fund for eg Item numbers for Dentures.
- Payment Plans are available to established patients of our practice.
- YOUR STORY- your medical history is essential for every appointment. Please bring a medical summary from your Doctor and have at hand a list of medications, allergies and medical conditions.
- Under 18’s need parental consent for treatment and if children over 18 are paid for by an adult their consent is required for all treatment. Please attend with the child in your care.
- Medicare: the Child Dental Benefits Scheme is available to those eligible. Please bring your letter and Medicare card PRIOR to your dental appointment for registration. PRIOR to every appointment eligibility and balances are checked with medicare. The scheme will continue only as long as government funding is available.
- Veteran’s Affairs: DVA patients are most welcome at this practice.
- Nursing Home Visits: requests for limited treatment is possible in nursing homes whilst a visit is essential for more demanding procedures. Sutherland & Engadine are both on the ground floor and wheelchair accessible. A consent form and medical history needs to be completed prior to an appointment.
- We expect you to have costs and item numbers for dental treatment. Sometimes plans need to be changed due to what your teeth or health presents and the available options. Then we replan and discuss options and costs again. A consultation or examination appointment with the necessary x-rays are required for treatment plans and costs.
- Sedation: Happy Gas or oral sedation are options at our practice. General anaesthetic is also available for some treatments at Kareena. We do not use other methods of sedation in house.
- An examination and cleaning or scaling of your teeth: an examination is required before cleaning and teeth are reviewed by examination after cleaning. They are not done individually.
- Translating Services: We want you to have a clear understanding throughout an appointment and prior to treatment and would be happy to organise an interpreter to help with you appointment/s.